Free CPC Exam Braindumps (page: 12)

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A patient complains of tarry, black stool, and epigastric tightness. An esophagogastroduodenoscopy is recommended to evaluate the source of the bleeding. The endoscope is inserted orally. The esophagus appears normal on scope insertion. No evidence of bleeding in the stomach. The scope is then passed into the duodenum, where a polyp is found and removed with hot biopsy forceps. No evidence of bleeding post procedure.
What CPT® code is reported?

  1. 43251
  2. 43250
  3. 43255
  4. 43270

Answer(s): B

A patient who has colon adenocarcinoma undergoes a laparoscopic partial colectomy. The surgeon removes the proximal colon and terminal ileum and reconnects the cut ends of the distal ileum and remaining colon.
What procedure and diagnosis codes are reported?

  1. 44204, C18.2
  2. 44140, C18.9
  3. 44205, C18.9
  4. 44160, C18.2

Answer(s): C

This 27-year-old male has morbid obesity with a BMI of 45 due to a high calorie diet. He has decided to have an open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The patient is brought to the operating room and placed in supine position. A midline abdominal incision is made. The stomach is mobilized, and the proximal stomach is divided and stapled creating a small proximal pouch in continuity with the esophagus. A short limb of the proximal bowel of 155 cm is divided. It is brought up and anastomosed to the gastric pouch. The other end of the divided bowel is connected back into the distal small bowel to the short limb's gastric anastomosis to restore intestinal continuity. The abdominal incision is closed.
What are the procedure and diagnosis codes for this encounter?

  1. 43847, E66.01, Z68.42
  2. 43644, E66.01, Z68.43
  3. 43847, E66.9, Z68.42
  4. 43645, E66.8, Z68.42

Answer(s): A

The gynecologist performs a colposcopy of the cervix including biopsy and endocervical curettage.
What CPT® code is reported?

  1. 57456
  2. 57420
  3. 57455
  4. 57454

Answer(s): D

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sowmya commented on December 22, 2024
helpfull to prepare for the exam