A patient suffering from idiopathic dystonia is seen today and receives the following Botulinum injections: three muscle injections in both upper extremities and seven injections in six paraspinal muscles.How are these injections reported according to the CPT® guidelines?
Answer(s): C
According to the Application of Cast and Strapping CPT® guidelines, what is reported when an orthopedic provider performs initial fracture care treatment for a closed scaphoid fracture of the wrist, applies a short arm cast, and the patient will be returning for subsequent fracture care?
Answer(s): B
A patient is diagnosed with diabetic polyneuropathy.Using ICD-10-CM coding guidelines, what ICD-10-CM coding is reported?
Answer(s): D
An elderly patient comes into the emergency department (ED) with shortness of breath. An ECG is performed The final diagnosis at discharge is impending myocardial infarction. According to ICD-10-CM guidelines, how is this reported?
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sowmya commented on December 22, 2024 helpfull to prepare for the exam Anonymous upvote
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