To subtract from a selection, which key should you press as you use a selection tool?
Answer(s): B
Which of the following options in the Selection Preview drop-down menu, in the Color Range dialog box, shows unselected areas as a rubylith overlay?
Answer(s): A
Which of the following selection tools snaps to the edges of defined areas in an image?
Answer(s): C
Which of the following options from the Options bar is used to specify the sensitivity of lasso to edges in the image?
Answer(s): D
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Lenny Wrote on September 29, 2023 i want it bad, even if cs6 maybe retired, i want to learn cs6 HONG KONG
Lenny Wrote on September 29, 2023 I want it bad, even if cs6 maybe retired, I want to learn cs6 HONG KONG
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