A company's policy requires that all API keys be encrypted and stored separately from source code in a centralized security account. This security account is managed by the company's security team However, an audit revealed that an API key is steed with the source code of an IAM Lambda function m an IAM CodeCommit repository in the DevOps account.
How should the security learn securely store the API key?
- Create a CodeCommit repository in the security account using IAM Key Management Service (IAM KMS) tor encryption Require the development team to migrate the Lambda source code to this repository.
- Store the API key in an Amazon S3 bucket in the security account using server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed encryption keys (SSE-S3) to encrypt the key Create a resigned URL tor the S3 key. and specify the URL m a Lambda environmental variable in the IAM CloudFormation template Update the Lambda function code to retrieve the key using the URL and call the API
- Create a secret in IAM Secrets Manager in the security account to store the API key using IAM Key Management Service (IAM KMS) tor encryption Grant access to the IAM role used by the Lambda function so that the function can retrieve the key from Secrets Manager and call the API
- Create an encrypted environment variable for the Lambda function to store the API key using IAM Key Management Service (IAM KMS) tor encryption Grant access to the IAM role used by the Lambda function so that the function can decrypt the key at runtime.
Answer(s): C
To securely store the API key, the security team should do the following:
Create a secret in AWS Secrets Manager in the security account to store the API key using AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) for encryption. This allows the security team to encrypt and manage the API key centrally, and to configure automatic rotation schedules for it.
Grant access to the IAM role used by the Lambda function so that the function can retrieve the key from Secrets Manager and call the API. This allows the security team to avoid storing the API key with the source code, and to use IAM policies to control access to the secret.
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