Which step is required when configuring cloud and hybrid deployments for Cisco Jabber?
Answer(s): D
Which two licenses are required for the B2B feature to work? (Choose two.)
Answer(s): C,E
An Expressway-E is configured using a single NIC with NAT.How must the Expressway-C traversal client zone be configured to connect to the Expressway-E?
Answer(s): C
Refer to the exhibit. An ISDN gateway is registered to Expressway-C with a prefix of 9 and/or it has a neighbor zone specified that routes calls starting with a 9.Which value should be entered into the "Source" field to prevent toll fraud regardless at origin of the call?
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Kumar commented on October 15, 2024 I can confirm this is legit and valid in UK. Passed the exam today. Good work. UNITED STATES upvote
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