Which attribute in the SDP for a call is affected by the static NAT address configuration in an Expressway-E?
Answer(s): B
Which describes what could done on the Expressway-E to successfully route calls from Expressway-C on the internal network to the Internet?
Answer(s): C
Refer to the exhibit. What is the result of a transformation applied to alias 88514?
Answer(s): A
When configuring a Cisco Expressway solution and need to design the dial plan with various rules for URIs and numbers coming through the device. To do so, it is important that some dial plan rules are applied in a certain order. When configuring the transform section, you must know the range of the priorities.Which range is correct?
Answer(s): D
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Kumar commented on October 15, 2024 I can confirm this is legit and valid in UK. Passed the exam today. Good work. UNITED STATES upvote
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