As a security administrator, you are asked to harden a server running Red Hat Enterprise Server 5.5 64-bit. This server is being used as a DNS and time server. It is not used as a database, web server, or print server. There are no wireless connections to the server, and it does not need to print.
The command window will be provided along with root access. You are connected via a secure shell with root access.
You may query help for a list of commands.
You need to disable and turn off unrelated services and processes.
It is possible to simulate a crash of your server session. The simulation can be reset, but the server cannot be rebooted. If at any time you would like to bring back the initial state of the simulation, please click the Reset All button.
- Please refer to Explanation below for the answer.
Answer(s): A
Step 1:
The ps command is the “process status” command. By using ps -A, you can list all currently running services, including their Process Identifiers (PID).
You can disable services using the kill command, such as, for example, kill -9 1125, which would stop whichever process is PID 1125.
Step 2:
The chkconfig –list command displays a list of system services and whether they are started (on) or stopped (off) in runlevels 0-6.
Step 3:
Importantly, chkconfig –list will allow you to see what services are running at level 3 (which means they will re- enable at restart) and you can use chkconfig –level 3 off to turn off the services you just killed. Once you do this, the sim is done and you can move on.
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