There are two consumers C1 and C2 belonging to the same group G subscribed to topics T1 and T2. Each of the topics has 3 partitions. How will the partitions be assigned to consumers with Partition Assigner being Round Robin Assigner?
- C1 will be assigned partitions 0 and 2 from T1 and partition 1 from T2. C2 will have partition 1 from T1 and partitions 0 and 2 from T2.
- Two consumers cannot read from two topics at the same time
- C1 will be assigned partitions 0 and 1 from T1 and T2, C2 will be assigned partition 2 from T1 and T2.
- All consumers will read from all partitions
Answer(s): A
The correct option is the only one where the two consumers share an equal number of partitions amongst the two topics of three partitions. An interesting article to read is
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