Free PW0-100 Exam Braindumps (page: 11)

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Which of the following steps should be taken in the process creating a security solution for a
wireless LAN network? (Choose all that apply)

  1. Making backups of WEP keys in the event of a system failure.
  2. Implementing VPN tunneling protocols such as IPSec or PPTP where possible. C.
    Using four WEP keys in every access point.
  3. Implementing wireless LAN connectivity in a DMZ area.
  4. Place all wireless LAN users directly on the Internet segment of the network.

Answer(s): B,C,D


From the study guide, there are a number of measures that may be taken to secure a WLAN. Specifically, using multiple WEP keys (in-case of a compromise) and implementing VPN tunneling are both helpful in effectively securing a wireless LAN. Additionally, implementing the Wireless network in a DMZ area is much more worthwhile in a corporate environment for example. This effectively separates the un-trusted portion of the network from the core of the network with the help of a firewall. Therefore, the answer should be B, C, D.

A sequence of hops in a Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum system is referred to as?

  1. Pattern
  2. List
  3. Channel
  4. Array

Answer(s): A


A frequency hopping system will operate using a specified hop pattern. See CWNA Official Study Guide, 3rd Edition, Page 181 (FHSS Hop Sequences and Channels)

A LOSS of -10dB yields a power ratio of?

  1. 1:3
  2. 1:10
  3. 2:1
  4. 10:1

Answer(s): B


Power gain and loss are measured in decibels, not in watts, because gain and loss are relative concepts and a decibel is a relative measurement. Gain or loss in an RF system may be referred to by absolute power measurement (e.g. ten watts of power) or by a relative power measurement (e.g. half of its power). Losing half of the power in a system corresponds to losing 3 decibels. If a system loses half of its power (-3 dB), then loses half again (another -3 dB), then the total system loss is 3/4 of the original power - 1/2 first, then 1/4 (1/2 of 1/2). Clearly, no absolute measurement of watts can quantify this asymmetrical loss in a meaningful way, but decibels do just that. As a quick and easy reference, there are some numbers related to gain and loss that an administrator should be familiar with. These numbers are:
-3 dB = half the power in mW
+3 dB = double the power in mW
-10 dB = one tenth the power in mW
We refer to these quick references as the 10's and 3's of RF math. When calculating power gain and loss, one can almost always divide an amount of gain or loss by 10 or 3 or both. These values give the administrator the ability to quickly and easily calculate RF loss and gain with a fair amount of accuracy without the use of a calculator.
If an access point were
connectedto a cable whose loss was -2 dB and then a connector whose loss was -1 dB, thenthese loss measurements would be additive and yield a total of -3 dB of loss. We willwalk through some RF calculations in the coming sections to give you a better idea ofhow to relate these numbers to actual scenarios.

All access points transmit what at a fixed interval?

  1. Association request management frame.
  2. Probe request management frame.
  3. Infrastructure beacon packet.
  4. Beacon management frame.

Answer(s): D


Beacons (short for beacon management frame) are short frames that are sent from the accesspoint to stations (infrastructure mode) or station-to-station (ad hoc mode) in order toorganize and synchronize wireless communication on the wireless LAN. Beacons serve several functions, including the following.
Beacons synchronize clients by way of a time-stamp at the exact moment of transmission. When the client receives the beacon, it changes its own clock to reflect the clock of the access point. Once this change is made, the two clocks are synchronized.

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Myfeedback about HP0-064. EXCELLENT... I pass. Very Excellent

Taylor G commented on June 22, 2013
The good news is I passed the exam!

Ridhi commented on April 20, 2009
Myfeedback about HP0-064. EXCELLENT... I pass. Very Excellent

Taylor G commented on April 18, 2009
The good news is I passed the exam!