The flow chart gives a view of different roles played by the different personnel of CSIRT. Identify the incident response personnel denoted by A, B, C, D, E, F and G.

- A-Incident Analyst, B- Incident Coordinator, C- Public Relations, D-Administrator, E- Human Resource, F- Constituency, G-Incident Manager
- A- Incident Coordinator, B-Incident Analyst, C- Public Relations, D-Administrator, E- Human Resource, F- Constituency, G-Incident Manager
- A- Incident Coordinator, B- Constituency, C-Administrator, D-Incident Manager, E- Human Resource, F- Incident Analyst, G-Public relations
- A- Incident Manager, B-Incident Analyst, C- Public Relations, D-Administrator, E- Human Resource, F- Constituency, G-Incident Coordinator
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