Description, impact assessment, probability and countermeasures are usually recorded for which of the following?
Answer(s): B
What is the model of a current business process often called?
Answer(s): A
Every night, at midnight, a system automatically raises invoices for customers that have placed orders that day. The invoice is sent electronically by email to customers. What is the event that triggers the production of invoices?
A company holds information about 1000 customers. It receives, on average, 50 orders per day. Each order must be placed by only one customer. Customers must have placed at least one order but may place several. An analyst has shown an association between the classes Customer and Order. What multiplicities should she show at the Order end of this association?
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Elon commented on September 29, 2024 Hi! Has anyone attempted this exam recently? If so, please let me know if these questions are still relevant and appearing in the exam in the same format. Anonymous upvote
B commented on September 28, 2024 first time user, is this reliable Anonymous upvote
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