Free GD0-110 Exam Braindumps (page: 24)

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Calls to the C:\ volume of the hard drive are not made by DOS when a computer is booted with a standard DOS 6.22 boot disk.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. The answer is Pending

Answer(s): C

EnCase marks a file as overwritten when _____________ has been allocated to another file.

  1. any part of the file
  2. the directory entry for the file
  3. the starting cluster of the file
  4. all of the file

Answer(s): C

How many clusters can a FAT 16 system address?

  1. 4, 294, 967, 296
  2. 65, 536
  3. 268, 435, 456
  4. 4, 096

Answer(s): B

The FAT in the File Allocation Table file system keeps track of:

  1. All of the above.
  2. Every addressable cluster on the partition
  3. Clusters marked as bad
  4. File fragmentation

Answer(s): A

Page 24 of 44

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Paresh commented on January 27, 2021
Brain dump was very accurate and helpful in preparation for exam. Also, I learned a lot and was able to pass the exam. Thanks

Raman commented on June 11, 2019
Questions and answers valid but it does not cover 100% of the exam. But enough to get you pass your exam. I suggest you use alternative materials as well to be on the safe side. But this package worths the price.