Free RHIA Exam Braindumps (page: 85)

Page 85 of 458

The fourth step is

  1. cases are differentiated based on the presence or absence of complications/ comorbidites (CCs) or major complications comorbidites (MCCS).
  2. cases are divided into either a surgical partition or a medical partition.
  3. the principal diagnosis determines the MDC assignment.
  4. diagnoses and procedures are coded using ICD-9-CM.

Answer(s): A

If the Medicare nonPAR approved payment amount is $128.00 for a proctoscopy, what is the total Medicare approved payment amount for a doctor who does not accept assignment, applying the limiting charge for this procedure?

  1. $ 140.80
  2. $ 143.00
  3. $ 192.00
  4. $ 147.20

Answer(s): D

Under the inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS), there is a three-day payment window (formerly referred to as the 72-hour rule). This rule requires that outpatient preadmission services that are provided by a hospital up to three calendar days prior to a patient's inpatient admission be covered by the IPPS MS-DRG payment for

  1. diagnostic services.
  2. therapeutic (or non-diagnostic) services whereby the inpatient principal diagnosis code (ICD-9-CM) exactly matches the code used for pre-admission services.
  3. therapeutic (or non-diagnostic) services whereby the inpatient principal diagnosis code (ICD-9-CM) does not match the code used for pre-admission services.
  4. both A and B.

Answer(s): D

Under the outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS), status indicator "______" is a payment indicator that refers to "significant procedures for which the multiple procedure reduction applies." This means that the reported CPT and/or HCPCS Level II code will be paid a discounted APC reimbursement rate when reported with other procedures on the same claim.

  1. "T"
  2. "X"
  3. "S"
  4. "A"

Answer(s): C

Page 85 of 458

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Britt commented on March 19, 2019
I take it this weekend, feeling confident about using this as an extra study tool!