You need to include non GreenLake enabled ISVs in a customer solution.With whom should you engage if you need help with this solution?
Answer(s): D
Your customer would like to add a backup component to the HPE GreenLake solution that you are preparing for them. Their main requirements are cost-optimized backups, long term data retention, and operational simplicity. What component should you add to their solution?
Answer(s): A
Which components can be part of HPE’s disaggregated hyperconverged infrastructure (dHCI)? (Choose three.)
Answer(s): B,D,F
Compared to OCA, which additional datacenter characteristic is required to configure a solution in SSET?
Answer(s): B
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Adarsh commented on August 19, 2024 Which protocol should you recommend for a dedicated lossless fabric? OMAN upvote
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