Firm A mostly does business in markets in the southern part of the country. Firm B mostly does business in markets in the western part of the country. However, Firm A has recently moved to compete with Firm B in the western part of the country by introducing its existing products there. Accordingly, Firm B has entered Firm As primary markets. What kind of market signal did Firm B send?
- A cross-parry.
- A bluff.
- An introduction of a fighting brand.
- A direct response.
Answer(s): A
The cross-parry is a response to a competitor's move in one area with a move in another. For example, Firm X, which is well entrenched in region A, may move to compete with Firm Y in its stronghold in region B. Firm Ys cross-parry is to enter the market in region
A. A cross-parry is an indirect response by the defending firm that potentially avoids destructive conflict in the newly penetrated market. However, it also signals the possibility of retaliation, especially if it occurs in one of the initiating firm's key markets. For example, price cutting as a cross-parry may be very effective against a firm with a large share of the market where the parry is made. This firm has more to lose in a price war in that market. Consequently, maintenance of a presence in a cross market deters the large-share firm from attacking elsewhere.
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