Which of the following is the leadership style in which the leader and the followers make decisions on the basis of consensus?
Answer(s): D
According to path-goal theory, the participative leader consults with employees and uses their suggestions before making a decision. Participative style is most useful when employees believe they control their own destinies, that is, when they have an internal locus of control. Such individuals may be resentful if they are not consulted. Thus, the participative (democratic) leader and his/her followers make the decision on a democratic basis through consensus. Moreover, the leader has complete confidence in subordinates.
Which of the following are conditions for a successful mentoring relationship?I).The relationship should be aimed at improvement of the mentee.II).The relationship should be based on growth of the mentee.III). The pairing of mentor and mentee should be voluntary.IV). Mentoring requires a positive work environment.
Answer(s): C
Mentoring is systematic development of leadership by providing career counseling and social nurturing. According to Abraham Zaleznick, it requires intensive tutoring, coaching, and guidance. Some organizations have formal mentoring programs that assign mentors to junior employees. However, some research indicates that a mentoring arrangement that occurs informally may have better results. Moreover, mentoring serves both career and psychosocial functions. Thus, goals should include improved job performance and career potential, with growth, not creating dependency, as the desired outcome. However, mentoring can be helpful in any work environment.
The belief that successful leadership occurs when the leader's style matches the situation is the basis for:
Answer(s): A
According to Fred E. Fiedler's contingency theory, people become leaders not only because of personality attributes, but also because of various situational factors and the interaction between the leaders and the situation. Thus, the right person at the right time may rise to a position of leadership if his/her personality and the needs of the situation complement each other. The same person might not become a leader in different circumstances because of failure to interact successfully with that situation. The contingency theory model has three dimensions. (1) Position power is a function of the formal authority structure. It is the degree to which the position held enables a leader to evaluate, reward, sanction, or promote the group members independent of other sources of power, such as personality or expertise. (2) Task structure is how clearly and carefully members' responsibilities for various tasks are defined. Quality of performance is more easily controlled when tasks are clearly defined. (3) Leadermember relations reflect the extent to which group members like, trust, and are willing to follow a leader.
Which of the following is not an effective principle for guiding a manager's use of leadership techniques?
Leadership is the act or process of influencing, inspiring, and guiding people so they will strive willingly toward the achievement of group objectives through common effort. Much management research has been devoted to determining the traits of leaders, leadership styles, and the situations in which particular styles are effective. However, a blind focus on internal process is a habit of administration, not of leadership. A manager of this type is called a bureaucratic leader. In the absence of a specific policy or procedure, (s)he seeks guidance from the next levelof management. In some situations, for example, when employees handle cash or highly delicate or dangerous equipment or chemicals, bureaucratic leadership may be needed.
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K.Tho Commented on October 05, 2023 Very helpful UNITED STATES
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