You model invoices and invoice items with a UML class diagram.Explanation: The total amount of an invoice is calculated by summing up all individual invoice items. This means that an invoice showing 5 article prices contains 5 invoice items. What model element most accurately describes the relationship between invoice and invoice items? (1 Point)
Answer(s): A
The total amount of an invoice is calculated by summing up all individual invoice items. This means that an invoice showing 5 article prices contains 5 invoice items. What model element most accurately describes the relationship between invoice and invoice items? (1 Point)A. CompositionB. AggregationC. GeneralisationD. Association Answer(s): A
You carry out modelling of requirements with a use case diagram. Which answer best describes its prospective modelling elements? (1 Point)
Answer(s): D
The activity diagram below shows a simplified order processing procedure. Which of the following statements is correct for this flow? (2 Points)
Answer(s): C
For an interview, you have prepared a use case diagram for the system to be specified. You decide to talk through a use case in detail with the stakeholder. You receive very useful feedback which must now be documented. Which of the following means of expression is least suitable to document the details of a single use case? (1 Point)
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Vaibhavi commented on February 27, 2024 Need more questions Anonymous upvote
Lucas commented on April 28, 2021 I bought my exams last month. This month new version was released for one of my exams. The good thing is I had free access to it. The bad part is that I had to download the updates manually. BRAZIL upvote
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