You work for a distribution warehouse that makes use of a Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management system.
As soon as lines are automatically released to the warehouse, the warehouse completes work.
You want to make sure that waves allow for automatic work creation.
Access the Dynamics 365 portal to achieve this goal.
- See Explanation section for answer.
Answer(s): A
1. Go to Navigation pane > Modules > Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave templates.
2. Select New.
3. In the Wave template name field, type a value.
4. In the Wave template description field, type a value.
5. In the Site field, enter or select a value
6. In the Warehouse field, enter or select a value.
7. Set the Automate wave creation field to Yes. Select this option to automatically create a wave when a sales order, production order, or kanban is released to the warehouse.
8. Set the Process wave at release to warehouse option to Yes. Select this option to automatically process the wave and create work when a line is released to the warehouse.
9. Set the Automate wave release option to Yes. Select this option to automatically release the wave. The picking work is created and made available on mobile devices.
10. Set the Assign to open waves option to Yes. Lines are assigned to waves based on the query filter for the wave template.
11. Set the Process wave automatically at threshold option to Yes. Select this option to automatically process the wave when its values reach the thresholds for weight, shipment, and lines specified in the Wave thresholds field group. This option is available only if Shipping is selected in the Wave template type field.
12. Set the Automate replenishment work release option to Yes. Select this option to create demand-based replenishment work and release it automatically. You must add the replenishment wave method to the wave template, and create a replenishment template using the Wave demand type.
13. Use settings in the Default values filed group to assign wave attributes.
14. Expand the Methods section and set the actions taken by the wave template.
15. Select Save.
16. Close the page.
17. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse management parameters.
18. Expand the Wave processing section.
19. In the Wave processing batch group field, enter or select a value.
20. Set the Process waves in batch option to Yes.
21. In the Wait for lock (ms) field, enter a number. Enter the time, in milliseconds, that an allocation step will wait for a system resource that is locked by another allocation step. When this time is exceeded, the wave is not processed and an error message is displayed.
22. Select Save.
23. Close the page.
24. Go to Navigation pane > Modules > Production control > Setup > Production control parameters.
25. In the Release to warehouse field, select an option.
26. Close the page.
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