A 27-year-old man was diagnosed with type I diabetes 3 months ago. Two weeks ago he complained of pain, redness, and tenderness in his right lower leg. He is admitted to the hospital with a slight elevation of temperature and vague complaints of "not feeling well." At 4:30 PM on the day of his admission, his blood glucose level is 50 mg; dinner will be served at 5:00 PM. The best nursing action would be to:
- Give him 3 tbsp of sugar dissolved in 4 oz of grape juice to drink
- Ask him to dissolve three pieces of hard candy in his mouth
- Have him drink 4 oz of orange juice
- Monitor him closely until dinner arrives
Answer(s): C
(A) The combination of sugar and juice will increase the blood sugar beyond the normal range. (B) Concentrated sweets are not absorbed as fast as juice; consequently, they elevate the blood sugar beyond the normal limit. (C) Four ounces of orange juice will act immediately to raise the blood sugar to a normal level and sustain it for 30 minutes until supper is served. (D) There is an increased potential for the client's blood sugar to decrease even further, resulting in diabetic coma.
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