Which scenario represents the best case for how an organization would deploy non-persistent desktops to their employee and customer base?
Answer(s): D
This is because registration kiosks are used by multiple customers who do not need to personalize their desktops or applications, and who only need to perform a specific task such as registering or checking in. Non-persistent desktops can provide a secure and consistent user experience for these customers, and also reduce management overhead for the organization.
An administrator is trying to add a Nutanix cluster as a new connection, but connection name Nutanix AHV is not listed in the Connection type menu. What should the administrator do to resolve this issue?
Answer(s): B
This is because this option will enable the administrator to add a Nutanix cluster as a new connection by installing and registering the plugin on the Delivery Controllers that manage the connection type menu.
https://portal.nutanix.com/page/documents/solutions/details?targetId=BP-2079-Citrix-Virtual-Apps- and-Desktops:BP-2079-Citrix-Virtual-Apps-and-Desktops
An administrator needs to configure a license server to be accessible by Frame desktops.Which server should the administrator configure?
Answer(s): A
Frame is a cloud-based desktop-as-a-service platform that allows users to access Windows applications and desktops from any device. A license server is a server that hosts a network licensing manager for software that requires licenses to run. Frame supports using a utility server as a license server for Frame desktops. A utility server is a stand-alone, general purpose Windows server that can be configured and managed from the Frame dashboard.
An administrator is using Citrix Studio to configure policies for their existing CVAD environment on to a Nutanix Files share. The administrator would like to use Citrix Director to reset user profiles.How should the user profiles be configured?
This is because this option will allow the administrator to use Citrix Director to reset user profiles on a Nutanix Files share that provides high performance, scalability, and resilience.Citrix Profile Management is a solution that allows administrators to manage user profiles and settings across different devices and sessions12. Nutanix Files is a software-defined file storage solution that provides high performance and scalability for file data12. Nutanix Files supports all forms of profile management with efficient metadata caching techniques that optimize for faster VDI logon times12. Nutanix Files offers two types of shares: standard shares and distributed shares. Standard shares are hosted on a single file server, while distributed shares are hosted on multiple file servers for load balancing and high availability.
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