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Search files.
Find out files owned by jack, and copy them to directory /root/findresults

  1. See Explanation section for answer.

Answer(s): A


find / -user jack -exec cp -a {} /root/findfiles/ \; ls /root/findresults

Search a String

Find out all the columns that contains the string seismic within /usr/share/dict/words, then copy all these columns to /root/lines.tx in original order, there is no blank line, all columns must be the accurate copy of the original columns.

  1. See Explanation section for answer.

Answer(s): A


grep seismic /usr/share/dict/words > /root/lines.txt

Create a backup
Create a backup file named /root/backup.tar.bz2, contains the content of /usr/local, tar must use bzip2 to compress.

  1. See Explanation section for answer.

Answer(s): A


cd /usr/local
tar –jcvf /root/backup.tar.bz2
mkdir /test
tar –jxvf /root/backup.tar.bz2 –C /test// Decompression to check the content is the same as the /usr/loca after If the questions require to use gzip to compress. change –j to –z.

Create a logical volume

Create a new logical volume as required:

Name the logical volume as database, belongs to datastore of the volume group, size is 50 PE. Expansion size of each volume in volume group datastore is 16MB.

Use ext3 to format this new logical volume, this logical volume should automatically mount to /mnt/database

  1. See Explanation section for answer.

Answer(s): A


fdisk -cu /dev/vda// Create a 1G partition, modified when needed partx –a /dev/vda
pvcreate /dev/vdax
vgcreate datastore /dev/vdax –s 16M
lvcreate– l 50 –n database datastore
mkfs.ext3 /dev/datastore/database
mkdir /mnt/database
mount /dev/datastore/database /mnt/database/ df –Th
vi /etc/fstab
/dev/datastore /database /mnt/database/ ext3 defaults 0 0 mount –a
Restart and check all the questions requirements.

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