global with sharing class MyRemoter {
public String accountName { get; set; }
public static Account account { get; set; }
public AccountRemoter() {}
global static Account getAccount(String accountName) {
account = [SELECT Id, Name, NumberOfEmployees
FROM Account WHERE Name = :accountName];
return account;
Consider the Apex class above that defines a RemoteAction used on a Visualforce search page.
Which code snippet will assert that the remote action returned the correct Account?
- Account a = controller.getAccount('TestAccount');
System.assertEquals( 'TestAccount', a.Name ); - MyRemoter remote = new MyRemoter();
Account a = remote.getAccount('TestAccount');
System.assertEquals( 'TestAccount', a.Name ); - MyRemoter remote = new MyRemoter('TestAccount');
Account a = remote.getAccount ();
System.assertEquals( 'TestAccount', a.Name ); - Account a = MyRemoter.getAccount('TestAccount');
System.assertEquals( 'TestAccount', a.Name );
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