A class was written to represent items for purchase in an online store, and a second class
Representing items that are on sale at a discounted price. THe constructor sets the name to the first value passed in. The pseudocode is below:
Class Item {
constructor(name, price) {
... // Constructor Implementation
Class SaleItem extends Item {
constructor (name, price, discount) {
...//Constructor Implementation
There is a new requirement for a developer to implement a description method that will return a brief description for Item and SaleItem.
Let regItem =new Item(`Scarf', 55);
Let saleItem = new SaleItem(`Shirt' 80, -1);
Item.prototype.description = function () { return `This is a ' + this.name; console.log(regItem.description());
SaleItem.prototype.description = function () { return `This is a discounted ' + this.name; }
What is the output when executing the code above ?
- This is a Scarf
Uncaught TypeError: saleItem.description is not a function This is aScarf
This is a discounted Shirt - This is a Scarf
This is a Shirt
This is a Scarf
This is a discounted Shirt - This is a Scarf
This is a Shirt
This is a discounted Scarf
This is a discounted Shirt - This is aScarf
Uncaught TypeError: saleItem.description is not a function This is a Shirt
This is a did counted Shirt
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