A developer has the following array of student test grades:
Let arr = [ 7, 8, 5, 8, 9 ];
The Teacher wants to double each score and then see an array of the students who scored more than 15 points.
How should the developer implement the request?
- Let arr1 = arr.filter(( val) => ( return val > 15 )) .map (( num) => ( return num *2 ))
- Let arr1 = arr.mapBy (( num) => ( return num *2 )) .filterBy (( val ) => return val > 15 )) ;
- Let arr1 = arr.map((num) => num*2). Filter (( val) => val > 15);
- Let arr1 = arr.map((num) => ( num *2)).filterBy((val) => ( val >15 ));
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