A customer wants to implement a customer community. Authenticated users will be able to log cases, manage their account and contact information, and apply/view their grant applications.
What two security settings should be configured to ensure the community is secure and no extra information is available to the authenticated community users?
- Set up Sharing Rules to grant authenticated users access to their Cases. Applications, and Accounts
- Set Org-Wide Defaults for External Users to Hidden for everything
- Set up Sharing Sets to grant authenticated users access to their Cases, Applications, and Accounts
- Set Org-Wide Defaults for External Users to Private for everything
Answer(s): B,C
Org-wide defaults for external users determine the baseline level of access that guest users and authenticated community users have to records they do not own. Setting them to Hidden for everything means that external users cannot see any records by default, unless they are explicitly shared with them. Sharing sets are used to grant access to records that are associated with a specific user or profile in a community. By setting up sharing sets, the authenticated community users can access their own Cases, Applications, and Accounts, but not those of other users.
https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=psc_admin_concept_psc_overview.htm&type=5&lang uage=en_US https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en- us.psc_api.meta/psc_api/api_psc_overview.htm
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