A 49-year-old woman with a history of migraine headaches reports 6 days of persistent headache, nausea, and recurrent vomiting. On examination, the patient is orthostatic. Electrolytes show a bicarbonate of 42 and a blood gas is obtained revealing a pH of 7.53, carbon dioxide of 53, and PO2 of
85. What is the underlying acid-base abnormality?
- metabolic acidosis
- metabolic alkalosis
- respiratory acidosis
- respiratory alkalosis
- respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
Answer(s): B
The pH of 7.53 indicates alkalosis as the primary disorder (normal pH is 7.40). A high bicarbonate is consistent with a metabolic cause of the alkalosis. The high carbon dioxide of 53 (normal is 40) is compensating for the primary disorder (alkalosis) in an attempt to bring the pH closer to normal. Metabolic alkalosis results from renal bicarbonate reabsorption. Processes which maintain persistent high reclamation of bicarbonate include dehydration, hypokalemia, hypercapnea, and mineralocorticoid excess.
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