A70-year-old man presents to urgent care complaining of a painful, swollen left knee. He previously has had no problems with this knee. Three days prior to onset, he went out dancing for 23 hours but recalls no specific injury. Examination of the knee reveals a moderatesized effusion and mild pain with any range of motion. Plain x-ray shows no fracture. Which of the following is the best next management?
- MRI of knee
- aspiration of effusion fluid
- rest, ice, and leg elevation
- physical therapy referral
- arthroscopy
Answer(s): B
The presence of effusion generally signifies significant disease. Aspiration of the effusion will help in evaluation for hemarthrosis, septic arthritis, and inflammatory crystal disease. Each of these is important to identify and treat early. An MRI and/or arthroscopy would be later considerations.
Orthopedic referral likely would be necessary.
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