A large department store currently employs a total of 110 staff, of whom 72 are part-time hourly paid employees. The part-time employees generally work the same number of hours every week and have a stable pattern of work and regular income. During busy periods there is the opportunity for over-time, which is payable at 50% more than the normal hourly rate.
A new chief executive is aware that some part-time staff work much harder than others and intends to address the situation by moving all part-time staff onto zero hours contracts where no paid hours are guaranteed and the personal workload of each employee is notified in advance each week. Overtime should be eliminated. In return, the basic hourly rate will be increased by 20% and there will be opportunities for promotion and new responsibilities.
News of these changes has caused considerable unrest. The HR Director knows that resistance to change will have to be managed very carefully and is using Lewin's force field model as the framework for analysis.
Which restraining forces are present in the scenario?
Select ALL that apply.
- Anxiety about job security
- New system appears less rewarding
- Fear of loss of power or status
- Fresh challenges from new responsibilities
- Improved financial rewards
- Increased promotion opportunities
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