Free GRE Test Exam Braindumps

  • Exam Code: GRE Test
    Exam Title: Graduate Record Examination Test: Verbal, Quantitative, Analytical Writing
  • Exam Provider: GRE
  • Exam Questions: 793
  • Updated On: 2-Feb-2025

GRE- Quantitative Reasoning
Set: 1, Quantitative Comparison (77 Questions)

A. The quantity in Column A is greater;
B. The quantity in Column B is greater;
C. The quantities are equal;
D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Answer(s): C

Explanation: To determine Quantity A, substitute the number 2 for a and for b in the centered
(2 + 2)(2 2 2) = (4)(0) = 0
Fol ow the same procedure for the quantity in Column B:

The quantities in both columns equal zero (0).


A. The quantity in Column A is greater;
B. The quantity in Column B is greater;
C. The quantities are equal;
D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Answer(s): A

Explanation: For any fractional number between zero (0) and 1, the number is less than its
square root, which in turn is less than its cube root.


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