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Undo the deployment to the previous version 1.17.1 and verify Image has the previous version

  1. Solution:

    kubectl rollout undo deploy webapp
    kubectl describe deploy webapp | grep Image

Answer(s): A

Update the deployment with the image version 1.16.1 and verify the image and check the rollout history

  1. Solution:

    kubectl set image deploy/webapp nginx=nginx:1.16.1
    kubectl describe deploy webapp | grep Image
    kubectl rollout history deploy webapp

Answer(s): A

Check the history of deployment

  1. Solution:

    kubectl rollout history deployment webapp

Answer(s): A

Undo the deployment with the previous version and verify everything is Ok

  1. Solution:

    kubectl rollout undo deploy webapp
    kubectl rollout status deploy webapp
    kubectl get pods

Answer(s): A

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