You need to create an account structure with the same structure as the department named
Manufacturing India by using the following instructions.
Go to Navigation pane > Modules > General ledger > Chart of accounts > Structures > Configure account structures.
On the Action pane, click New to open the drop dialog. In the Account structure field, type a name to describe the purpose of the account structure.
In the Description field, type a description to specify the purpose of the account structure.
Click Create.
In the Segments and allowed values, click Add segment. In the dimensions list, select the dimension to add to the account structure.
At the end of the list, click Add segment.
Repeat step 6 to 9 as needed.
In the Allowed value details section, select the segment to edit the allowed values.
For example, click the Main Account field.
In the Operator field, select an option, such as is between and includes. In the Value field, type a value. For example, 600000. In the through field, type a value. For example, 699999. In the Allowed value details section, click Apply.
Repeat step 10 to 15 as needed.
In the Allowed value details section, click Add new criteria. In the Operator field, select an option, such as is between and includes. In the Value field, type a value. For example, 033. In the through field, type a value. For example, 034.
Click Apply.
In the grid, select the segment to edit the allowed values. For example, Cost Center.
In the CostCenter field, type a value. For example, 007..021.
In the Segments and allowed values, click Add.
In the MainAccount field, type a value. For example, 600000..699999 In the grid, select the segment to edit the allowed values. For example, Department.
In the Department field, type a value. For example, 032. In the CostCenter field, type a value. For example, 086.
On the Action pane, click Validate.