Your company has a NetApp ONTAP solution deployed in a data center. The current solution has a large amount of stored inactive data. You are asked to tier this data to the cloud, but you must keep the data efficiencies that you are using in the data center.In this scenario, which NetApp technology enables you to accomplish this task?
Answer(s): C
What are three supported deployment solutions for NetApp StorageGRID? (Choose three.)
Answer(s): A,D,E
Which two enable you to tier data that is stored in an ONTAP system to an object store? (Choose two.)
Answer(s): A,B
Which StorageGRID feature is used to define the object placement and replication rules within a StorageGRID system?
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Akash commented on April 19, 2023 Very Useful and Informative.. Liked the links for detailed information of every answer. Anonymous upvote
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