Free CSQA Exam Braindumps (page: 29)

Page 29 of 202

Project team feels that an extra feature or a function is needed in the system but not included in the specifications. From quality point of view, this is considered --------------------------------.

  1. a correction
  2. a failure
  3. a change
  4. an enhancement
  5. a defect

Answer(s): E

Our products must be corrected so that they will eventually meet our customers' true quality needs.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer(s): A

We can produce products at our convenience and at any cost

  1. True
  2. False

Answer(s): B

Those responsible for quality must include ­

  1. Cost consideration
  2. Delivery at required time
  3. At required quality
  4. 1 & 2
  5. 2 & 3
  6. All the above

Answer(s): F

Page 29 of 202

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Gyulyay Baadi commented on June 11, 2024
How can i get the dump tests?

Shamshad commented on May 15, 2024
Pass this exam last week. Questions are valid.

Marianne commented on October 22, 2023
i cannot see the button to go to the questions

Marianne commented on October 22, 2023
I cannot see the button to go to the questions