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The time has come to acknowledge the ascendancy of the humanistic psychology movement. The so-called "Third Stream" emerged at mid-century, asserting itself against the opposition of a pair of mighty, long- established currents, psychoanalysis and behaviorism. The hostility between these two older schools, as well as divisiveness within each of them, probably helped enable humanistic psychology to survive its early years. But the movement flourished because of its wealth of insights into the nature of this most inexact science.
Of the three major movements in the course of 20th century psychology, psychoanalysis is the oldest and most introspective. Conceived by Sigmund Freud as a means of treating mental and emotional disorders, psychoanalysis is based on the theory that people experience unresolved emotional conflicts in infancy and early childhood. Years later, although these experiences have largely disappeared from conscious awareness, they may continue to impair a person's ability to function in daily life. The patient experiences improvement when the psychoanalyst eventually unlocks these long-repressed memories of conflict and brings them to the patient's conscious awareness.
In the heyday of behaviorism, which occurred between the two world wars, the psychoanalytic movement was heavily criticized for being too concerned with inner subjective experience. Behavioral psychologists, dismissing ideas and feelings as unscientific, tried to deal only with observable and quantifiable facts. They perceived the human being merely as an organism which generated responses to stimuli produced by its body and the environment around it. Patients' neuroses no longer needed analysis; they could instead by modified by behavioral conditioning. Not even babies were safe: B.F. Skinner devised a container in which infants could be raised under "ideal" conditions ­ if a sound-proof box can be considered the ideal environment for child-rearing.
By mid-century, a number of psychologists had grown dissatisfied with both the deterministic Freudian perspective and the mechanistic approach of behaviorism. They questioned the idea that human personality becomes permanently fixed in the first few years of life. They wondered if the purpose of psychology was really to reduce people to laboratory specimens. Was it not instead possible that human beings are greater than the sum of their parts? That psychology should speak to their search for fulfillment and meaning in life?
It is questions like these that members of the Third Stream have sought to address. While the movement cannot be simplified down to a single theoretical position, it does spring from certain fundamental propositions. Humanistic psychologists believe that conscious experience, rather than outward behavior, is the proper subject of psychology. We recognize that each human being is unique, capable of change and personal growth. We see maturity as a process dependent on the establishment of a set of values and the development of self. And we believe that the more aspects of self which are satisfactorily developed, the more positive the individual's self-image.
Abraham Maslow, a pioneer of the Third Stream, articulated a hierarchy of basic human needs, starting with food, water and air, progressing upward through shelter and security, social acceptance and belonging, to love, esteem and self-expression. Progress toward the higher stages cannot occur until all of the more basic needs have been satisfied. Individuals atop the pyramid, having developed their potential to the highest possible extent, are said to be "self-actualized".
If this humanist theoretical perspective is aimed at empowering the individual, so too are the movement's efforts in the practical realm of clinical psychology. Believing that traditional psychotherapists tend to lead patients toward predetermined resolutions of their problems, Carl Rogers pressed for objective evaluations of both the process and outcome of psychotherapeutic treatment. Not content to function simply as a reformer, Rogers also pioneered the development of "client-centered" or nondirective therapy, which emphasizes the autonomy of the client (i.e., patient). In client-centered therapy, clients choose the subjects for discussion, and are encouraged to create their own solutions to their problems.
The author states that "not even babies were safe" (line 35) most probably in order to:

  1. emphasize that the use of even very young subjects is considered valid among most psychologists.
  2. indicate the pervasive influence of behaviorists on the field of psychology.
  3. show that behaviorists were anxious to apply their theories to a wide range of subjects.
  4. warn of the dangers of psychoanalysis for children.

Answer(s): C


This asks why the author says that "not even babies were safe." The line reference in the question stem leads you to the last sentence of the third paragraph. You must read that sentence and a few of the neighboring sentences, to understand the context of the statement. Babies were not safe from the behaviorists. In the third sentence of paragraph 3, the author says that behaviorists saw humans merely as organisms producing responses to stimulI). The author goes on to say that, for behaviorists, the technique of stimulus-response or behavioral conditioning could be used to condition and cure neurotic patients, thereby avoiding the lengthy process of analysis. "Not even babies were safe," says the author and goes on to describe Skinner's attempt to condition babies. In other words, behaviorists believed that the benefits of their conditioning process were so universal that they tried to test it on, or impose it upon, everyone, even babies. So choice (C) is correct here:
the author uses the quoted phrase to assert that behaviorists were eager to try out their conditioning theories on a wide variety of subjects. Choice (A) is wrong because it generalizes about what "most psychologists" consider
valid. The author is talking specifically about behaviorists, not psychologists in general. There's no way of knowing whether "most psychologists" believe that using very young subjects is scientifically valid. Choice (B) is similarly misdirected. During its heyday, behaviorism probably did have a pervasive influence on the field of psychology. But this has nothing to do with the author's statement, which has more to do with the effect of behaviorism on babies than on the field of psychology.
Like choice (A), choice (D) is an incorrect and very broad generalization. Choice (D) suggests that the author is warning against the dangers of psychoanalysis for children. It is true that the author suggests he feels babies are endangered by the reasoning behind behaviorism. But, the author's statement really is about behaviorism in particular, not psychoanalysis in general.

The time has come to acknowledge the ascendancy of the humanistic psychology movement. The so-called "Third Stream" emerged at mid-century, asserting itself against the opposition of a pair of mighty, long- established currents, psychoanalysis and behaviorism. The hostility between these two older schools, as well as divisiveness within each of them, probably helped enable humanistic psychology to survive its early years. But the movement flourished because of its wealth of insights into the nature of this most inexact science.
Of the three major movements in the course of 20th century psychology, psychoanalysis is the oldest and most introspective. Conceived by Sigmund Freud as a means of treating mental and emotional disorders, psychoanalysis is based on the theory that people experience unresolved emotional conflicts in infancy and early childhood. Years later, although these experiences have largely disappeared from conscious awareness, they may continue to impair a person's ability to function in daily life. The patient experiences improvement when the psychoanalyst eventually unlocks these long-repressed memories of conflict and brings them to the patient's conscious awareness.
In the heyday of behaviorism, which occurred between the two world wars, the psychoanalytic movement was heavily criticized for being too concerned with inner subjective experience. Behavioral psychologists, dismissing ideas and feelings as unscientific, tried to deal only with observable and quantifiable facts. They perceived the human being merely as an organism which generated responses to stimuli produced by its body and the environment around it. Patients' neuroses no longer needed analysis; they could instead by modified by behavioral conditioning. Not even babies were safe: B.F. Skinner devised a container in which infants could be raised under "ideal" conditions ­ if a sound-proof box can be considered the ideal environment for child-rearing.
By mid-century, a number of psychologists had grown dissatisfied with both the deterministic Freudian perspective and the mechanistic approach of behaviorism. They questioned the idea that human personality becomes permanently fixed in the first few years of life. They wondered if the purpose of psychology was really to reduce people to laboratory specimens. Was it not instead possible that human beings are greater than the sum of their parts? That psychology should speak to their search for fulfillment and meaning in life?
It is questions like these that members of the Third Stream have sought to address. While the movement cannot be simplified down to a single theoretical position, it does spring from certain fundamental propositions. Humanistic psychologists believe that conscious experience, rather than outward behavior, is the proper subject of psychology. We recognize that each human being is unique, capable of change and personal growth. We see maturity as a process dependent on the establishment of a set of values and the development of self. And we believe that the more aspects of self which are satisfactorily developed, the more positive the individual's self-image.
Abraham Maslow, a pioneer of the Third Stream, articulated a hierarchy of basic human needs, starting with food, water and air, progressing upward through shelter and security, social acceptance and belonging, to love, esteem and self-expression. Progress toward the higher stages cannot occur until all of the more basic needs have been satisfied. Individuals atop the pyramid, having developed their potential to the highest possible extent, are said to be "self-actualized".
If this humanist theoretical perspective is aimed at empowering the individual, so too are the movement's efforts in the practical realm of clinical psychology. Believing that traditional psychotherapists tend to lead patients toward predetermined resolutions of their problems, Carl Rogers pressed for objective evaluations of both the process and outcome of psychotherapeutic treatment. Not content to function simply as a reformer, Rogers also pioneered the development of "client-centered" or nondirective therapy, which emphasizes the autonomy of the client (i.e., patient). In client-centered therapy, clients choose the subjects for discussion, and are encouraged to create their own solutions to their problems.
The author most probably believes that, in its early days, the humanistic psychology movement:
I). benefited from dissension among psychologists.
II). acknowledged Maslow and Rogers as its only leaders.
III). was an offshoot of behaviorism.

  1. I only
  2. II only
  3. I and II only
  4. II and III only

Answer(s): A


This is in Roman Numeral format. It asks you to infer what the author believes about the early days of humanistic psychology. The movement's early days are referred to in the opening paragraph of the passage. In sentence 2 of paragraph 1, the author says that, at first, humanistic psychology had to struggle against the two older movements, psychoanalysis and behaviorism. In the next sentence, the author says that hostility between psychoanalysts and behaviorists, and divisiveness within their respective movements, probably helped humanistic psychology to survive those early years. This last point, concerning divisiveness between and within each of the two older schools, means that Roman numeral statement I is true, and will be part of the correct answer. So choices (B) and (D), which don't contain Roman Numeral I, are already eliminated. More importantly, there is no choice that says Roman numerals I and III, we know we don't even have to look at Roman numeral statement III). So what about Roman numeral statement II? In its early days, did the humanistic psychology movement recognize Maslow and Rogers as its only leaders? No, the author never hints that this is so. Maslow and Rogers are named as early pioneers of the movement, not as its first, or unchallenged and exclusive rulers. So Roman numeral statement II is false, and the correct answer must be choice (A), statement I only. Statement III says that early humanistic psychology was an offshoot of behaviorism. This is not true; from what the author says, it seems clear that humanism was a revolt against both of the older schools, psychoanalysis and behaviorism. If anything, humanism seems to have more in common with psychoanalysis than with behaviorism, since humanism and psychoanalysis are both concerned with conscious experience.
Regardless, statement III is incorrect, and choice (A), statement I only, is correct.

The time has come to acknowledge the ascendancy of the humanistic psychology movement. The so-called "Third Stream" emerged at mid-century, asserting itself against the opposition of a pair of mighty, long- established currents, psychoanalysis and behaviorism. The hostility between these two older schools, as well as divisiveness within each of them, probably helped enable humanistic psychology to survive its early years. But the movement flourished because of its wealth of insights into the nature of this most inexact science.
Of the three major movements in the course of 20th century psychology, psychoanalysis is the oldest and most introspective. Conceived by Sigmund Freud as a means of treating mental and emotional disorders, psychoanalysis is based on the theory that people experience unresolved emotional conflicts in infancy and early childhood. Years later, although these experiences have largely disappeared from conscious awareness, they may continue to impair a person's ability to function in daily life. The patient experiences improvement when the psychoanalyst eventually unlocks these long-repressed memories of conflict and brings them to the patient's conscious awareness.
In the heyday of behaviorism, which occurred between the two world wars, the psychoanalytic movement was heavily criticized for being too concerned with inner subjective experience. Behavioral psychologists, dismissing ideas and feelings as unscientific, tried to deal only with observable and quantifiable facts. They perceived the human being merely as an organism which generated responses to stimuli produced by its body and the environment around it. Patients' neuroses no longer needed analysis; they could instead by modified by behavioral conditioning. Not even babies were safe: B.F. Skinner devised a container in which infants could be raised under "ideal" conditions ­ if a sound-proof box can be considered the ideal environment for child-rearing.
By mid-century, a number of psychologists had grown dissatisfied with both the deterministic Freudian perspective and the mechanistic approach of behaviorism. They questioned the idea that human personality becomes permanently fixed in the first few years of life. They wondered if the purpose of psychology was really to reduce people to laboratory specimens. Was it not instead possible that human beings are greater than the sum of their parts? That psychology should speak to their search for fulfillment and meaning in life?
It is questions like these that members of the Third Stream have sought to address. While the movement cannot be simplified down to a single theoretical position, it does spring from certain fundamental propositions. Humanistic psychologists believe that conscious experience, rather than outward behavior, is the proper subject of psychology. We recognize that each human being is unique, capable of change and personal growth. We see maturity as a process dependent on the establishment of a set of values and the development of self. And we believe that the more aspects of self which are satisfactorily developed, the more positive the individual's self-image.
Abraham Maslow, a pioneer of the Third Stream, articulated a hierarchy of basic human needs, starting with food, water and air, progressing upward through shelter and security, social acceptance and belonging, to love, esteem and self-expression. Progress toward the higher stages cannot occur until all of the more basic needs have been satisfied. Individuals atop the pyramid, having developed their potential to the highest possible extent, are said to be "self-actualized".
If this humanist theoretical perspective is aimed at empowering the individual, so too are the movement's efforts in the practical realm of clinical psychology. Believing that traditional psychotherapists tend to lead patients toward predetermined resolutions of their problems, Carl Rogers pressed for objective evaluations of both the process and outcome of psychotherapeutic treatment. Not content to function simply as a reformer, Rogers also pioneered the development of "client-centered" or nondirective therapy, which emphasizes the autonomy of the client (i.e., patient). In client-centered therapy, clients choose the subjects for discussion, and are encouraged to create their own solutions to their problems.

  1. F. Skinner is mentioned in the passage to support the point that:
  2. the ultimate goal of behaviorism is technological innovation.
  3. raising babies in isolation prevents childhood conflicts.
  4. stimulus-response conditioning was attempted on all sorts of individuals.
  5. behaviorists reject the scientific validity of subjective experience.

Answer(s): C


This asks why B.F. Skinner is mentioned in the passage. This issue was already addressed during the Explanations for question 10.
B.F. Skinner is mentioned in the final sentence of paragraph 3, which concerns the behaviorist school of psychology. Earlier in that paragraph, the author says that for behaviorists, people were nothing more than organisms who responded to stimuli, and who could be conditioned to generate ideal behavior. Then, in the final sentence of the paragraph, the author says, "Not even babies were safe from this kind of reasoning," and proceeds to mention Skinner and his baby box, which supposedly raised infants under "ideal" conditions. Clearly, the author is treating Skinner ironically. To the author, Skinner is an extreme example of how behaviorists eagerly tried to apply their conditioning process to people of all ages. This highlights choice (C) as the correct answer ­ stimulus-response was attempted on all sorts of individuals. A quick review of the other answers confirms this choice. Choice (A) states Skinner was mentioned to support the point that technological innovation is the ultimate goal of behaviorism. But the author never mentions whether or not behaviorism had an ultimate goal. The passage's only definitive statement (located in the second sentence of paragraph 3) about the movement is that behaviorists tried to deal only with observable, quantifiable behavior. Furthermore, there's no mention of technological innovation in the passage and, given the author's tone in the statement, "not even babies were safe", there's no reason to think that the author would consider the Skinner box an example of "technological innovation". Choice (B) is nonsensical. Skinner himself may have hoped to show that infants could be raised under ideal conditions, free of conflicts, but the author does not write to support this point. Again, the author's tone suggests otherwise. Choice (D) is wrong because Skinner's box has little to do with behaviorists' rejection of subjective experience. That behaviorists reject subjective experience as unscientific is given, not a point that needs to be supported, proven, or argued at all. Skinner's box was an experiment in conditioning, and its inventor's hope was that if infants could be properly conditioned, they would grow up healthier.

The time has come to acknowledge the ascendancy of the humanistic psychology movement. The so-called "Third Stream" emerged at mid-century, asserting itself against the opposition of a pair of mighty, long- established currents, psychoanalysis and behaviorism. The hostility between these two older schools, as well as divisiveness within each of them, probably helped enable humanistic psychology to survive its early years. But the movement flourished because of its wealth of insights into the nature of this most inexact science.
Of the three major movements in the course of 20th century psychology, psychoanalysis is the oldest and most introspective. Conceived by Sigmund Freud as a means of treating mental and emotional disorders, psychoanalysis is based on the theory that people experience unresolved emotional conflicts in infancy and early childhood. Years later, although these experiences have largely disappeared from conscious awareness, they may continue to impair a person's ability to function in daily life. The patient experiences improvement when the psychoanalyst eventually unlocks these long-repressed memories of conflict and brings them to the patient's conscious awareness.
In the heyday of behaviorism, which occurred between the two world wars, the psychoanalytic movement was heavily criticized for being too concerned with inner subjective experience. Behavioral psychologists, dismissing ideas and feelings as unscientific, tried to deal only with observable and quantifiable facts. They perceived the human being merely as an organism which generated responses to stimuli produced by its body and the environment around it. Patients' neuroses no longer needed analysis; they could instead by modified by behavioral conditioning. Not even babies were safe: B.F. Skinner devised a container in which infants could be raised under "ideal" conditions ­ if a sound-proof box can be considered the ideal environment for child-rearing.
By mid-century, a number of psychologists had grown dissatisfied with both the deterministic Freudian perspective and the mechanistic approach of behaviorism. They questioned the idea that human personality becomes permanently fixed in the first few years of life. They wondered if the purpose of psychology was really to reduce people to laboratory specimens. Was it not instead possible that human beings are greater than the sum of their parts? That psychology should speak to their search for fulfillment and meaning in life?
It is questions like these that members of the Third Stream have sought to address. While the movement cannot be simplified down to a single theoretical position, it does spring from certain fundamental propositions. Humanistic psychologists believe that conscious experience, rather than outward behavior, is the proper subject of psychology. We recognize that each human being is unique, capable of change and personal growth. We see maturity as a process dependent on the establishment of a set of values and the development of self. And we believe that the more aspects of self which are satisfactorily developed, the more positive the individual's self-image.
Abraham Maslow, a pioneer of the Third Stream, articulated a hierarchy of basic human needs, starting with food, water and air, progressing upward through shelter and security, social acceptance and belonging, to love, esteem and self-expression. Progress toward the higher stages cannot occur until all of the more basic needs have been satisfied. Individuals atop the pyramid, having developed their potential to the highest possible extent, are said to be "self-actualized".
If this humanist theoretical perspective is aimed at empowering the individual, so too are the movement's efforts in the practical realm of clinical psychology. Believing that traditional psychotherapists tend to lead patients toward predetermined resolutions of their problems, Carl Rogers pressed for objective evaluations of both the process and outcome of psychotherapeutic treatment. Not content to function simply as a reformer, Rogers also pioneered the development of "client-centered" or nondirective therapy, which emphasizes the autonomy of the client (i.e., patient). In client-centered therapy, clients choose the subjects for discussion, and are encouraged to create their own solutions to their problems.
According to the passage, the ultimate goal of Carl Rogers's client-centered therapy is:

  1. simplification of the Third Stream's theoretical perspective.
  2. self-directed personal growth for the client.
  3. rejection of Maslow's scheme of self-actualization.
  4. increased autonomy of psychotherapists.

Answer(s): B


This asks you to identify the ultimate goal of Carl Rogers's client-centered therapy, which is discussed in the final paragraph of the passage. The author says in sentence 3 of the final paragraph that Rogers's therapy, unlike traditional psychoanalysis, emphasized client autonomy, or independence. The author goes on to say that Rogers's clients were encouraged to pick the topics they wanted to discuss, and to create their own solutions to their problems.
This tells us that Rogers wants his clients to do the ork, to take control of their own destiny, engage themselves in their own process of growth and change. This idea is restated in choice (B), the correct answer. Rogers encouraged clients to direct their own personal growth, and solve their own problems, rather than be forced to accept the deterministic Freudian approach or other preconceived viewpoints of therapists. As for the incorrect choices, (A) is completely inaccurate. The work of Carl Rogers is noted as an addition to the humanist theoretical perspective, not as a simplification of it. Refer to the first sentence of the final paragraph: the author says that not only have humanists made theoretical contributions, but they have made practical ones as well, and proceeds to discuss Rogers. As for choice (C), Maslow's scheme of self-actualization is described in the last sentence of paragraph 6. A self-actualized individual is one who has developed his or her potential to the fullest possible extent. Rogers's therapy is not aimed at rejecting this self-actualization process but at enhancing it; his work is not discussed in opposition to that of Maslow. If anything, Rogers's therapy might be an attempt to enhance the work of his fellow humanist, Maslow. And choice (D), finally, is the exact opposite of Rogers's approach. The goal of Rogers's therapy is not increased autonomy or independence for therapists, but for clients, or patients.

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