In a representative democracy, citizens can use initiative, referendum, and recall to bring about political change.An initiative is the process by which voters may place a proposed bill on the ballot for popular approval.A referendum is a bill passed by the legislature placed on a ballot for the entire electorate to approve or reject.An example would be a proposal requiring a deposit to be paid on all glass beverage containers sold within a state.A referendum may also bring up for reconsideration by the electorate an existing law that may not be working as desired.A recall is a device by which a properly elected official can be removed from office by a majority vote of the electorate.
If initiative, referendum, and recall were abolished, which outcome would most harm a democracy?
- reducing the power of elected officials
- making presidential elections meaningless
- diminishing the status of elected officials
- reducing the individual's voice in government
- increasing demands on the performance of elected officials
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